I've been getting lots of requests recently for virtual clicker support, and I've been telling you all to hold your horses because I have this great thing coming to get you started - and it's finally ready!

I've created an online course called Clicker Training 101 and it's absolutely 100% FREE.

Something I say a lot these days is that I want this information to become common knowledge in our industry.

It seems like the best way for me to help achieve that is to offer some of the most important information for free, so it's accessible to everyone and maybe even my more skeptical friends will take a peek and see what all this fuss is about.

I've added some information at the end of the course about working with me virtually for more support - and I've kept things very inexpensive for now - so please, take advantage of it!

My intention is to create more mini-courses surrounding individual behaviors and I also have my big R+ for healthy movement course in the works that several of you have been asking me about recently, too - so keep an eye out for that launch date soon! (EDIT: R+ FOR HEALTHY MOVEMENT COURSE IS HERE)

This free course will be a required prerequisite, so hopefully it will tide you over in the meantime.

Make sure to tell all of your friends and sign up here

horse follows target over teeter totter bridge