It's okay to let it go...


I saw a client today that I haven’t seen in over a year.

Life got tough for her, so she told me she took a break from…everything. Just, let it go.

She had some big goals for herself and her horse last year that we weren’t able to meet the timeline for. Not even close… we were both disappointed.

She said she felt like she was giving up. It would be so easy for me to label her “non-compliant.”

But then, this spring, the chronic pain she had been battling for 10 years just… went away.

She let it go.

Today the exercises we used to struggle with came easily and *felt good*

Today her Mustang who used to stand at the furthest end of her pen possible with fear in her eyes walked right up to me and let me pet her face.

And I fully believe it’s all because she let it go. She dropped the timelines, she was kind to herself and just took it easy with the things she could control.

When life gets heavy, it’s not lazy to rest.

Being kind to yourself is not giving up.

I told her she was brave and I was proud of her and I meant it.

Timelines are bullshit, time probably isn’t even linear anyways.

It’s okay to just let it go.

Barbara ParksComment